Ranieri, Marco

Residència 2016
Residència 2016
Marco Ranieri

Estudis de Biodiversitat

Marco centra el seu treball en la transformació de l’experiència de la Natura en art. En el diàleg amb l’entorn, amb els seus materials i energies creadores. Emfatitzant la bellesa del que és petit, el fragmentat, el impermanent, com a metàfora de la nostra vida. A través de les seves obres ens proposa generar, restaurar o renovar una vinculació empàtica entre persones i llocs. Col·laborant així en la difusió d’una actitud més respectuosa cap al nostre hàbitat.

L’estudi de biodiversitat que ens planteja en aquesta mostra conjunta es concentra sobretot en les zones marginals i/o residuals, franges estre­tes entre camp i camp; en els conjunts primaris, aquelles àrees aspres i pedregoses que pel seu caràcter escarpat no són aptes per a l’explotació humana; en els barrancs vestits d’esbarzers i es­pines; i en els boscs en fase de recuperació.


In these days I’ve tried to approximate myself to the sense of the site, approaching artistically the biodiversity and the ecosystem structure. So I’ve wandered along water and wild animal paths, I’ve gotten through the raïm de pastor prairies, I’ve been captured by the spiky torrents, I’ve crossed the golden extensions of wheatfields and wild flowered meadow. I’ve visited old oaks and traced a path looking for stones broken by the strength of the ice. I’ve felt, I’ve collected smells, shapes and colours of the forest and the countryside. Discovering the beach through the smell of siemprevivaand fragments of an ancient sea printed in the calcareous fossils. A register of these actions have been left in an ecosystemic archive of the surroundings of CACIS and its microworlds.” – Marco Ranieri

22 trees to breath one day

To breath, every single human being needs daily the oxygen produced by 22 trees. This artistic installation in the natural environment aims to visualise this fact through a symbolic plastic representation.

At the same time, the installation creates an opportunity to get a close contact with the intervention site, generating, restoring or renovating an empathic union with Nature.

The project is about an installation conceived both for humans and non-human animals. It’s composed by 22 non permanent structures installed in 22 nearby trees. The structures, which shape suggests a pair of human lungs, are made inspired by bird construction technics. Their interior, a hole with supports, facilitates a safe place to hide for small dimensions wild fauna. Their exterior, covered with mud, helps the growth of spontaneous vegetation.



Cacis’ aroundness are extremely rich in biodiversity. It is concentrated mainly in marginal and/or residual areas, narrow strips between field and field; in primary ensembles, rough and rocky areas whose abrupt character makes impossible human exploitation; in spiky dressed ravines and in woods in restoration phase.

1m2 confronts the monotone uniformity of a cereal monoculture square meter with the rich colorfully beauty of a spontaneous vegetation square meter. Despite Mediterrean ecosystem may look as an arid habitat, it can shelter until 40 different plants in a 1m2