21 gen. CACiS Call for residence 2019
CACiS promotes the production and dissemination of artistic creation that calls into question non sustainable systems, add offers ecological practices and models.
CACis has opened and international call to creators who want to stay at their residence to do a research job the following year.
This year the residence of CACiS presents three ways of accessing for 2019
- Present projects related to education and art in the natural environment
- Presenting projects related to the body, environment and landscape
- Without a specific project the possibility for collaborate in the maintenance and improvement works of the spaces of CACiS
Objectives of projects
Find proposals that use art as a language, for its social function of awareness, and promote critical thinking based on a more global analysis of our relationship with the environment, incorporating it in any stage of the learning. The selected project will have to be in line with the lines of work of CACiS:
Art and natural landscape. Bioclimatic architecture. Ecology and sustainability.
It must stimulate the observation and analysis of the environment for its conservation and improvement
Creations the lead us to the causes of Climate Change
- The residence of CACiS presents the basic conditions for research and study in the wild, so that the artist finds the conditions of space, concentration and suitable equipment. The Center is 5km from the village of Calders and 2,5 km from Artés and about 25 minutes from the city of Manresa. With views of Montserrat and Pyrenees.
- Residences include the accommodation of residents and work space for a minimum of 15 days and maximum of 45 days.
- The Center can help artists make the necessary contacts with the local population and suppliers of materials and services related to their research.
- The maintenance is not contemplated except for specific agreement between the selected one and CACiS.
- The selected one will have to participate with the activities of the center.
- Within the selection of the proposals for access through the collaboration it must be for the improvement of the facilities and dry stone heritage of the Center. Forest and garden work.
- The artists who wish to take part in this call send bay email the following documentation:
-Contact details of the project manager
-Number of participants (maximum 4)
-Calendar for which residence is requested (from February 20 to the end of October )
-Spaces that will be used (Accommodation / work room/ outside )
-A letter of intent with an explicit text where the artist agrees, if chosen, to make the residence in the requested periods.
-Letters of recommendations from other centers or work place.
-A description of project (maximum 3 sheets with up to 3 pictures-JPG format-) a short cv (maximum 1 sheet) (projects must be sent by email)
-The language of documentation can be Catalan, Spanish, English or French
- The applications for this call can be sent until February 20, 2019, by email to info@cacis.cat
- The jury will be made up made up of professional from the sector and the Center’s team.
- Resolution of call on march 1, 2019. The result of the call will be communicated by email to the interested parties and will be made public on the website or block of CACiS.
- Participation presupposes the acceptance of these bases.
- The management of the Center reserves the right to cancel the residence of the participants admitted initially:
-If a substantial modification of the initial project that was selected was detected.
-If falsification of the information provided by the applicant or applicants is detected after their selection.
-If any irregular and offensive attitude is detected.
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